About Department


One could name the current age the age of quality. In such competitive conditions and with mass-production, only producers who offer higher quality products and better after-sales services succeed. In fact, quality control has become a major consideration that precedes production. Better quality control leads to better use of available resources and reduced production costs. The terms quality control is comprised of the words quality and control, and the meaning of both words will be explained to gain a better insight into this concept.

Quality is the degree of standards for production, or the features desirable to the consumer

Raising product quality to the desirable level and continuing production is one of the hardest tasks in production.

The word control entails using all methods for evaluating the product’s standard quality. Control actually entails monitoring the production process and ensuring that the product meets the predetermined standards and the lowest standard deviation.

The desirable level of quality in the final product cannot be achieved without effective control on production activities.

Quality Control Goals:

Which quality standards are acceptable to the consumer?

  • Ensuring a flawless product through determining defect or changes in raw material or production processes
  • Evaluating production methods and processes and presenting better ways to improve product quality
  • Analyzing and determining standard deviation of product quality during production
  • Investigating the causes of shortcomings in product quality
  • Taking steps to achieve a higher quality product

Advantages of Quality Control:

  1. Promoting awareness of quality among workers

The most important advantage of quality control for workers is that all workers in the production process become aware of the importance of product quality, and the collective awareness helps in achieving a quality product.

  1. Customer Satisfaction

End users are the actual winners of imposing product quality control since they receive the quality product that satisfies them.

  1. Reduced Production Costs

Implementing inspections and effective production process control will result in significant savings in production costs. Quality control evaluates low quality products and waste, and reduces production costs by avoiding errors.

  1. Efficient Use of Resources

Quality control ensures optimal use of resources, which minimizes waste and inefficiencies in all areas.

  1. Promoting Goodwill

Quality control increases product quality to meet customer demands, which wins their trust toward the company and establishes goodwill. A customer who is worried about product quality increases market costs for the company.

  1. Enhancing Staff Morale

An effective and efficient quality control system increases the sense of camaraderie among the staff as they are constantly concerned by producing a quality product.

  1. Improving Production Techniques and Methods

Quality control can be used to obtain useful methods for manufacturing quality products by providing technical and engineering data about the product and controlling the manufacturing process.

  1. Effective Marketing

Organizations and companies that offer quality products and services are more successful at marketing than their rivals since they have the public’s trust for introducing their high-quality products.

  1. Simplified Pricing

Similar products will be made at a similar level of quality after the introduction of quality control criteria, which will help solve the pricing problem. Standard pricing for a quality product will assist in setting the price for similar products on the market.

  1. Higher Sales

Quality control actually guarantees the production of quality products, and will naturally lead to more customers and higher sales. Offering quality products to current customers will increase new demand for products. In general, quality control is a powerful tool for expanding a company’s domestic and foreign market.

Raw Material Control:

Different industrial units perform quality control on raw material, the product during manufacturing, and the final product. Regarding the procurement of raw materials, reputable suppliers are the first and most important entity to consider as purchasing raw material from an unreliable supplier will degrade the final product’s quality. Producing a healthy and quality final product is made possible by purchasing high-quality raw material.

The Besharat Meat Company purchases all the raw material required for production from reputable suppliers. In each purchase part, an analysis sheet is sent to the factory along with the raw material. The quality control department will perform the required tests on the raw material if necessary.

Product Control During Production:

A set of control parameters should be considered during production, including:

Defrost room temperature control, output material control, additive control, detergent and disinfectant control, cooking time and temperature, date control

Final Product Control

Quality control managers and food experts perform this test in the production unit laboratory.

The production unit laboratory includes chemical and microbiological departments and evaluates all the test indicators stated on the final product standard. If the results were satisfactory, the product leaves the quarantine to the consumer market.

** It is noteworthy that the Besharat Meat Company Laboratory is a collaborative laboratory and has achieved the 17025 certificate from Iran’s Institute of Standard and Industrial Research.